Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, Peter Lovenheim
The Comfort of a Digital Confidante, Navneet Alang
Like. Flirt. Ghost., Ian Allen
Look out– It’s Instagram Envy, Sarah Nicole Prickett
The Agony of Instagram, Alex Williams
Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other, Sherry Turkle
Connected, but Alone?, Sherry Turkle at TED2012
What Makes Us Happy?, Joshua Wolf Shenk
The Real Truth About Money, Gregg Easterbrook
The Futile Pursuit of Happiness, Jon Gertner
There's More to Life Than Being Happy, Emily Smith
Social Connection Makes a Better Brain, Emily Esfahani Smith
Schooled, Dale Russakoff
Building a Better Teacher, Elizabeth Green
Everything You’ve Heard About Failing Schools is Wrong, Kristina Rizga
Against School, John Taylor Gatto
How to Escape Education’s Death Valley, Ken Robinson, TED
Our Failing Schools. Enough is Enough!, Geoffrey Canada, TED
Videos & Films
What if the Secret to Success Is Failure?, Paul Tough
The Art of Failure, Malcolm Gladwell
Be Wrong as Fast as You Can, Hugo Lindgren
The Unexpected Benefit of Celebrating Failure, Astro Teller, TED
Embrace the Near Win, Sarah Lewis, TED
Harvard Commencement, J.K. Rowling
Pell-Mell, Tom Wolfe
America, My New-Found-Land, Tony Judt
Just Asking, David Foster Wallace
Fixed Opinions, or The Hinge of History, Joan Didion
Fear and Loathing in las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson
The Me Decade, Tom Wolfe
How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America, Kiese Laymon
America the Marvelous, A. A. Gill
What is Poverty?, Jo Goodwin Parker
The High Cost of Poverty: Why the Poor Pay More, DeNeen L. Brown
Is it Now a Crime to Be Poor?, Barbara Ehrenreich
Poor Kids, PBS Frontline
Can’t Quit the Clicks: The Ride of Social Media Rehab, Mae Wiskin
How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind — from a Magician and Google Design Ethicist, Tristan Harris
What is 'brain hacking'? Tech insiders on why you should care,
Anderson Cooper, 60 Minutes transcript
How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day, Tristan Harris at TED2017