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Macdonald DeWitt Library at SUNY Ulster

OER for Student Success

You've identified content, now what?

Once you've identified the materials you want to use, you have to identify the best way to incorporate them into your course. First, check the license terms. Open materials typically have a creative commons license that specifies how you may use the information and the kind of attribution required. Now is a good time to reach out to a librarian to discuss your options. 
If you are not interested in making changes to the text, you can provide the link to the book and/or the PDF (if available) in your course shell. In some cases, you may be able to copy and paste directly from the text into your course shell.
If you are interested in making big changes, you should contact SUNY OER Services. They can set you up with an editable version of a text or shell in which to get started.


Suggested Language for Course Outline

To indicate to your students that they will be using an open text, we recommend the following:

The course textbook is freely available online and linked from our course in Brightspace. You may also access it here: [your text URL]. You may prefer to download or print the PDF for easier access.